I’ve been reading 2015 web design trends in blogs since somewhere in September of 2014. And while there are some differences from list to list there are a few things that seem to make everyone’s list. Not a top 10, which for me is a few too many to focus on, but my top 4. Short and sweet.


1. Responsive design

That is, sites that automatically re-size, within reasonable limits, to fit on your device. So whether you are viewing the site on your computer, your iPad or Smartphone you can have a successful browsing experience.


2. Long scrolling sites

Or sometimes referred to as one-page design. It’s way easier to “swipe” on your phone or tablet than to click on links to new pages. Years ago there were long scrolling sites jammed with content but now good one-page sites are well organized and formatted to make the information easier to digest.


web trends 2015 image



3. Large main images

A large main image or sometimes a video paired with a small amount of text, as an intro to the website either as the first page but more often, now, as the top of a long scrolling site design. They are quickly replacing sliders as the go-to design solution. A word of warning. If you decide on a video in this intro spot make sure it doesn’t turn into a memory hog, frustrating your visitors and encouraging them to click away.




4. Flat design

You need to look no further than the icons used in Apple’s iOS7 or Microsoft’s Modern design theme. Google refers to it in their design philosophy as “Material Design,” which they describe as flat design with subtle gradients and layering. And speaking of icons, they could also be considered a trend as they are used both as links and as a way to add interest and break up long content areas on those scrolling sites. (I probably could have pulled this icon one out as a fifth trend, but it is more a carry over from 2014ish.)



Oceanview Helicopters
Seminole Heights
Apple iPhone

 Web trends links:

TNW web trends for 2015
Elegant themes 2015 web trends

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