Your business needs a website.
Running your business on Facebook is not an option—unless, of course, your business is Facebook.
Today, when people are making any kind of purchasing decision the first step involves going to the company’s website to check them out. Who are they? Where are they? How long have they been doing whatever it is they do? Do they do what I need done? Do they deliver? What’s their pricing like? Testimonials? Contacts? Online purchasing?
We can help you reach your customers online.
Website design that works for you
Your site will be created following tried and true advertising creative development principals paired with new emerging web design trends and technologies. We do not use templates. There are no cookie-cutter solutions. Your website is an extension of the bricks & mortar of your business. Each website is a unique solution custom designed for your unique business.
We use WordPress as our design foundation. WordPress is an elegant, well-architectured, open source content management system (CMS) used by over 32% of all websites. (The choice of Time magazine, The White House, The Rolling Stones and Global News. Oh, and The Facebook Newsroom.) It is flexible and user-friendly and with thousands of plugins and themes it allows us unmatched creative freedom to build your site.
Mobile-friendly website design
It is important to recognize that many consumers are viewing your website on their tablet or smart phone, as well as on a computer monitor. Google states that over 50% of all search queries globally now come from mobile devices.
Again, WordPress supports “responsive web design” (RWD) meaning that the website page uses the same URL and the same code whether the user is on a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone—only the display adjusts or “responds” according to the screen size. While not perfect, a responsive design is a much better option than a true mobile site which requires a separate domain and therefore waters down the SEO.
Google recommends a responsive web design and rewards it with better rankings.
Like to check if your existing site is mobile friendly? Go >>
Content revisions and updates
A website is a “living” document… which is a good thing. Unlike a product brochure, or any other traditional media for that matter, it is easy to update any information on your site on a regular basis. A price change? A new product or service? In very short order that information can be in the hands of your potential customers.
And once again Google rewards websites that update and change information.
Like to manage your own info updates and posts? WordPress is the easiest CMS for you to learn how to make revisions and updates yourself, should you want to. The learning curve is not steep and we can help you learn to do the things you’d like to handle on your own.
However, if you feel you are too busy doing what you do, and you’d like us to do what we do, we can make updates for you upon request billed either by the hour at reasonable rates or as part of a monthly retainer at even more reasonable rates.
Search engine optimization
WordPress is usually described by SEO experts as being the best CMS for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). But to actually achieve that coveted first page search listing involves a mix of strategy, time, engaging content, acquiring inbound links and connections with other sites and/or the quick route: a purchased Google adwords campaign.
We can help with all of this. When your site launches we help it get off to a good start. We’ll use leading SEO software and configure your site’s backend settings to maximize potential. We write initial keywords and meta site descriptions, and configure everything to help your potential customers find your website in online searches.
And if you already have a site you are happy with but would like us to take a look “under the hood” and see if we can recommend some better SEO options, we’d be please to.
Managed website hosting
We offer our design clients the opportunity to take advantage of our fully managed hosting services.
Either hosted on our server or purchasing hosting provider, with our support and guidance. We’ll help you select the best host for your website, whether you need Canadian data storage, dedicated hosting, or cloud hosting, extra storage, or any other special requirement. And then we’ll help you get it all setup.
Fully managed hosting relieves you of all of the headaches of managing your site’s hosting environment yourself—we do it. You don’t need to memorize any passwords or login to set-up anything, or try and figure out how to navigate something called cPanel—we do it.
If something goes wrong, and it sometimes does, you call us and we’ll fix it, if possible, or we’ll help you understand issues and we’ll help craft a solution, whether that means upgrading your hosting package or even moving hosts. All at preferred client rates.
Website maintenance
It is not recommended to simply “Go Live” with your new website and just leave it alone without monitoring the site to ensure it is always up and offering the proper functionality to your visitors. It’s a little like driving your car without ever checking the oil, water, tires or fuel. While some maybe do-it-yourself types can manage this themselves, many prefer professional help.
We do this. We can provide monthly maintenance to the theme and plugins to ensure your site is operating properly, maintain a back-up of your site, and monitor security to help protect it from attack. We offer maintenance packages from a very basic one to a fully customized plan offering higher levels of attention and security to deliver exactly what you may need and want.
Some of our website design work
Shop qathetLiving
Traction Towing
Website Redesign